Friday, February 12, 2010

Santa Cruz Metro (Route #19)

I'm (absolutely) sure I would've made it to class today if the #19 hadn't fucked me over. Maybe it's my crippling inability to read a bus schedule properly (thank you, LAUSD), maybe it's simply my fate to be a slightly-less-than-mediocre student. Either way, this is the 4th or 5th time the #19 has made a fool of me. Well played, bitch, well played.

I left before I could eat a decent breakfast, which normally wouldn't mean very much, but this morning there happened to be sourdough bread in the cabinet. Sourdough bread's fucking amazing and extremely tempting (as amazing things tend to be). I ended up arriving at the bus stop 9 minutes early (or 47 minutes late). I should've stuck to the route #20 bus; it's all I know. The fact that it only appears once an hour at arbitrary places & times makes it an adventure. The scenery's marvelous even if it is a horrendously long route. A small, Jewish girl once told me she refrained from riding or even looking at the #20 because it made her nauseous. In the tradition of horribly inconvenient bus routes, the route #20 bus also makes a habit of leaving you/having a confusing doppelganger that refuses to take you downtown/being really, really ridiculously full. Pain in the ass, yes, but it's the ONLY way to get to the west side (where all the cool kids/drug dealers/over-privileged neo-yuppies dwell).

After a minute or so, a #7 appeared and threatened to pull over. I tried averting my eyes, knowing that bus would abandon me in a grassy field, but to no avail. After several minutes or so, a #3 appeared and that should've been my first inclination that I wasn't catching a bus anytime soon. The way the Bay & Columbia bus stop is positioned, it looks as if you're staring into a residence if you look straight forward. There was a man looking back at me. I think it was a challenge? I never know what to do with my hands at bus stops, either, though that's somewhat irrelevant. I'm sure if I would've stayed there another 30 minutes or so, another #7 or #10 & 1/2 or something would've eventually appeared, but I know when to admit defeat. I crossed the street, just in time to narrowly miss being run over by a #19 speeding in the opposite direction.

Things worked out though. I realized that there was a relatively important assignment due in class today--an assignment I hadn't done or heard of until now, of course. Missing class gave me enough time to hastily piece together a coherent (?) essay and draw a silly lil' map to accompany it. I have no idea why so many assignments in that class (Intro. to Teaching) require a silly lil' [insert asinine illustration], but my peers sure do seem to love their construction paper.

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